In her article, On the Edge of Chaos: Where Creativity Flourishes, Katrina Schwartz opens with Sir Ken Robinson’s words, that “Creativity is not an option, it’s an absolute necessity. ” If this is true, then it’s that much more imperative to find ways to bring creativity to learning, says Schwartz.
At Kew-Forest, we believe art is a form of communication that comes naturally to children. Every child has the capacity to transform experiences of feelings, thinking and perceiving into his or her own unique art form. Art is an indispensable component of a child’s development and every child has the right and ability to be visually literate.
The art room provides an arena for creative problem solving and thinking, new ideas, invention, originality, unexpected responses, independence, discovery, experimentation, imagination, flexibility, self-expression, personal imagery, risk taking, trial and error, self-evaluation and decision making. We strive to foster and encourage these goals and aspirations in each class and at all levels throughout the Lower School Art experience
In a supportive and structured environment, children learn in and through art, developing skills and techniques to express their own ideas. Students are encouraged and motivated to apply knowledge and understanding of the elements of art and the principle of design, and to problem solve with originality, flexibility, fluency and imagination. The Lower School Art program provides experiences in a variety of media designed to introduce children to the visual language of art. Children remain the center of the art curriculum, with exploration, discovery and play central to each child’s experience.