Foreign language study in the Middle School provides students with a dynamic, fun, and engaging yet serious-minded program of study. At all levels, teachers aim to instill a strong enthusiasm for the language, which inspires learners to advance their ability to communicate effectively in the target language. In Spanish, the goal of communication is reached by developing the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In Latin, there is a greater stress on reading and grammar, though students do learn to read aloud, to use proper pronunciation, and to understand simple sentences when spoken aloud. In both target languages, teachers encourage students to take risks, to make mistakes, and to learn from those practices.
Classes in both target languages aim to provide a pathway to understanding other cultures. As Latin spanned a vast empire 2,000 years ago, so Spanish is a global language today. As the Middle School program aims to instill a passion for the language while providing a firm grounding in linguistic structures, it also offers students a welcoming approach to written and visual works of art, daily modes of living, and idiomatic expressions of universal human experiences.